
Production Journal #1

Production Journal #1, week 1 - week 2:

From class lecture:

  • 44.1kHz/16bit, 44.1k the sampling rate for the recording. "Bit" is the "resolution of the sound".
  • For audio, the standard sample rate is 44.1kHz, 16bit. The standard for video production is 48kHZ, 16 bit, and always stereo. Beware of this when work with both audio and video. 
  • Online tone generator is handy, remember.
  • Phase cancellation usually happens when multiple mics are placed together. Beware.
From the production process:

First, monitor is good to have, but you can't always trust it. When I was recording for the first time the monitor sound sounded more natural what is in the file. The recorded picked up some sounds that I didn't notice at all when I was monitoring. For example, when I was recording the "large room" part for the practicing reel. The SP5 recorder picked up the sound of a train. There was a train passing by when the I recorded the open field part of the practicing reel, but my ear didn't pick up any sound of it when I was inside the room. The NADY Sp-5 is more sensitive than I thought.