
Production journal

Since we haven't produced anything recently, I'll just write down something I found useful or interesting from the course reading.
All quotes are from Audio Production Worktext by Sauls, S. J. and Stark, C. A..
(Sauls, Sam; Stark, Craig (2013-05-02). Audio Production Worktext: Concepts, Techniques, and Equipment (Kindle Locations 2400-2401). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.)

"Because the purpose of the microphone is to change sound energy into electrical energy, it is known as a transducer, which is a device that converts energy from one form into another."

"Microphones are usually classified by two key characteristics— the way in which they convert sound into electrical current, and their pickup pattern. "

"condenser microphone. Sometimes referred to as a capacitor microphone"

"High-impedance microphones should not be plugged into audio recorders or other equipment designed for low-impedance;"

"proximity effect. This is an exaggerated bass boost that begins as the sound source gets about 2 feet from the microphone with microphones that have a cardioid pickup pattern"

"multiple-microphone interference and can be avoided by remembering a 3-to-1 ratio. If the microphones are about 1 foot from the announcer (or sound source), they should be at least 3 feet apart from each other. This way the pickup patterns won’t overlap"

